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Claudio Cecchi a Molini di Triora

Molini di Triora

The mill of the Argentina Valley Molini di Triora owes its name to the many mills that once milled cereals and chestnuts, the main sources of livelihood in the upper Argentina Valley. It is even said that there were 23, thanks to the quantity of raw materials to be processed. In the heart of the […]

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Via Marenca

Via Marenca

The thousand-year-old highway The Via Marenca is a route that connected Piedmont, France and the northern regions with the coast, allowing people to move and trade, primarily salt. A stretch of great strategic importance connected the villages of the Impero, Maro and Prelà valleys, reaching Oneglia, the landing point of merchant ships even before th […]

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The menhir of Sotto di San Lorenzo

A symbol of an ancient civilization On the ridge between the Argentina and the Rezzo valleys, on the border of Sotto di San Lorenzo, there is a large stone stuck in the ground. Widely interpreted as a menhir, this symbol could be an ancient border marker. Testo e immagini a cura di Nicola Ferrarese.

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Passo della Mezzaluna

Beautiful pastures next to the woods Passo della Mezzaluna is located on the watershed between Valle Argentina and Valle Arroscia and is crossed by the ancient Via Marenca, connecting Passo Teglia to Colle del Garezzo.Its grasslands, rich in spontaneous flora, have always offered a great pasture.On its light slopes many ancient human signs can be found. […]

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Surrounded by Brigasca sheep

In the flock of “Giuanin” Lanteri The Occitan pastoral culture has over time selected the Brigasca sheep. The small and robust size of this breed is perfect for the rough terrain of the Ligurian Alps and its coastal terraces where it winters. Its production of milk is limited but with great quality, mostly used for the production […]

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Sotto di San Lorenzo

Where civilizations met The Sotto di San Lorenzo is a doline, a closed depression formed due to the karst origin of the soil. It’s on the edge of the Bosco di Rezzo, along the Via Marenca. Since the dawn of time, it hosts a menhir, placed probably to delimit a boundary, and a carved boulder, suitable for […]

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Monte Ceppo

Al centro della Provincia In the middle of Imperia province Al centro della Provincia Mount Ceppo, 1627 mt, has pastures on its summit and a beautiful woodland on its slopes. The peak view spans 360 degrees above the Imperia Province. Testo a cura di Claudio Cecchi , immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

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