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Medieval village of the upper Valle Impero Borgomaro is a village of medieval origin, located in the middle of Valle del Maro, the upper part of Valle Impero.With the beginning of the “intensive” (as far as possible, given the steepness of the ground) cultivation of the olive tree, presumably starting from the XIV century, the small […]

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Oratory of San Rocco

Home of the Confraternita della Buona Morte Saint Roch de Monpellier (1350-1379) was a French pilgrim and thaumaturgist, canonized in the fifteenth century.A first Archconfraternity was established in Genoa in 1468, whose confreres took care of the burial of the death by the plague and other epidemics.Originally the Oratory stood closer to the stream. Rebuilt around […]

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Ricovero Q

A shelter for the troops of Vallo Alpino The Ricovero Q is located on the west side of Monte Ceriana, near the crossroad between Cima Marta and Bassa di Sanson. The structure is part of the defensive works of the Vallo Alpino and was used as a refuge for soldiers in the event of a bombing. It […]

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Ina Sorba double-decker “casella”

5 meters high of dry stones Ina Sorba is an area in the countryside above Riva Faraldi with some of the largest “caselle” in the Western Liguria.This construction, made entirely of dry stones, is structured on two floors, with an internal height of almost 5 meters.For its grandeur it can defined a “casellùn”: a sort of substitute […]

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