Moorish Mausoleum

The tomb of the founder The Moorish Mausoleum was planned and built in 1886 by the architect Pio Soli from Sanremo. Here lie the ashes of Thomas Hanbury and its wife Katherine Pease. Testo a cura di Ilaria Veneruso, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese, Corrado Agnese, Ilaria Veneruso.

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Dragon Fountain

Can you solve the puzzle? The Dragon Fountain can be found in the middle of Viale Vista Nuova, on the main path. Surrounded by Cyperus papyrus, used by Egyptians to make paper, the fountain hosts a Japanese bronze depicting a dragon sipping from a lotus leaf.Above the fountain, by the entrance to a cave, stands the Slave, […]

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The southern courtyard

A perpetual light on the sea After acquiring the Palazzo in 1867, Thomas Hanbury made various renovation works and added the pergola, made of Carrara marble, on the southern side.By the border of the courtyard facing the sea, a pavillon holds a perpetual light in memory of the son Cecil Hanbury, buried in England. Testo a cura […]

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Northern courtyard

Kanda’s eternal bell The Palazzo, known as “Villa Hanbury”, was built during the Middle Age and owed by noble families.Thomas Hanbury bought it in 1867 and, during the renovations works, added the portal by the northern courtyard.Here stands a Japanese bell which comes from a Buddhist temple. Testo a cura di Ilaria Veneruso, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese, Corrado Agnese, […]

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Temple of the Four Seasons

Contemplation of beauty The “Four Seasons” area owes its name to a series of vases, once placed there, that portrayed the seasons. The Temple, known as “Tempietto”, was brought here in 1947 and comes from the English park of Kingston Maurward. Dorothy, Thomas Hanbury’s daughter-in-law, is buried beneath it.The monument is surrounded by a collection of Agave.From […]

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Main entrance to the Hanbury Botanical Garden

Wellcome to 福 The portal of Hanbury Botanical Gardens has been built at the end of XIX century by the architect Caroe. The Chinese ideogram 福 engraved on the top of the arch, which means “happiness”, it’s a gift from the ambassador in England Kuo Sung Tao, who visited the gardens in 1879. Testo a cura […]

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Fontana Vecchia di Borgomaro

L’antica fonte sotterranea di Borgomaro The Fontana Vecchia of Borgomaro was much appreciated in summer for its fresh water. Right before lunch and dinner, a queue of people and buckets formed at its entrance. It was an opportunity of meeting for the inhabitants. Used until the middle of the 20th century, Fontana Vecchia is today partially […]

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Oratory of Sant’Anna

Founded by the Biagio family The Saint is the patroness of mothers, widows and pregnant women, she is invoked in difficult childbirths and against conjugal infertility.The building devoted to Sant’Anna is rectangular, with a deep presbytery and a rounded hall in the center. Clearly of Baroque inspiration, it has a rich stucco decoration, while the four […]

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Oratory of San Giacomo

Home of the Confraternita dei Disciplinati The position of the Oratory of San Giacomo, on the main road that led to Lucinasco, confirms the reason for the entitlement: San Giacomo is the patron saint of pilgrims. The organization of pilgrimages was among the main tasks of the confraternity that had its seat there.For reasons still unknown, […]

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