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Molini di Carchere

The “muén du surdu” Right below Aurigo, next to the Impero torrent, there are the remains of the small inhabited nucleus of the Molini, in the Carchere region. Here, as early as 1500, four families lived permanently and there were two water mills.The Mulini di Carchere were also called “muén du surdu”, that translates as […]

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A marvellous viewpoint The terrace was built during the renovation works after the acquisition by Thomas Hanbury in 1867. It’s a marvellous viewpoint above the Garden, from the sea to Mortola Inferiore and the western border on the rocky ridge. Testo a cura di Ilaria Veneruso, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese, Corrado Agnese, Ilaria Veneruso.

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Casa Rustica

The headquarter The Casa Rustica, built by Pio Soli in 1886 as the headquarter of the Garden, hosts today an Herbarium and a little museum with some botanic collection and ancient tools. Testo a cura di Ilaria Veneruso, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese, Corrado Agnese, Ilaria Veneruso.

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The ancient grove of the Garden The lower part of the Garden is called “Piana”: an area of flat ground where citrus and olive trees were grown since the XVIII century.Thomas Hanbury removed a few olive trees to add more citrus and tropical fruit trees.Right at the beginning of the “Piana”, the Mexican Salvia leucantha shows […]

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Tennis Court

The first one of Italy Right above the Roman path Via Julia Augusta, Thomas built the very first private tennis court of Italy.Next to it, two big pine trees surround the Fountain of the Faun. Testo a cura di Ilaria Veneruso, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese, Corrado Agnese, Ilaria Veneruso.

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Viale Vista Nuova

A perspective above the sea The Viale Vista Nuova is a path built in 1920 by the will of Dorothy Hanbury, giving to the Garden a new perspective: the sea can be seen from all its length. The lower part pass trough the Australian forest, with different species of Eucalyptus. Testo a cura di Ilaria Veneruso, […]

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