The fortifications of Monte Saccarello

Cannons on the top of Liguria Monte Saccarello, 2200 m, is the highest peak in Liguria. In 1896 the Austro-Piedmontese army built on its top a fortified complex, armed with cannons oriented towards the French territory. Testo a cura di Claudio Cecchi, immagini di Fabio Zenoardo, Claudio Cecchi, Nicola Ferrarese, Corrado Agnese.Fonti:-DIFESE MILITARI ED EVENTI BELLICI […]

Centro Rionard

Part of the Vallo Alpino The Rionard fortification was built in 1938 within the 13th Caposaldo Marta defensive system.Located on the southern slope of the Rionard hill, had its entrance gate armed with a machine gun, a corridor with watertight doors leading to the soldier’s shelter, water deposit and ammunition reserve.From there another corridor led to […]

Balcone di Marta

Cima Marta, 2138 m, is located between Valle del Saorge and Valle Argentina. Due to its strategic position, it was chosen by the Austro-Piedmontese army for building defensive fortifications. Testo a cura di Claudio Cecchi, immagini di

Baraccamenti di Marta

Military barracks from the XIX century The six buildings of the Baraccamenti di Marta have been built since 1890 to house over 500 soldiers, 30 pack animals, ammunition and supplies. The complex was part of the defensive system at the border with France and served the entrenched camp, consisting of five artillery batteries (set of artillery […]

Fortified building near Negi

An unknown castle near an important ancient road Right above the road that leads from Seborga to the church of San Bartolomeo and continues towards France and Piedmont, there are the remains of a fortified building.Since the border of the ancient principality of Seborga is nearby, this building could be part of a defense system.We invite […]

Church of San Nicolò a Bajardo

A village reborn Bajardo is a wonderful example of medieval Ligurian village. It was also well defended from invaders, thanks to its narrow alleys and easily controllable access routes. At the top of the village, the ruins of the ancient church of San Nicolò evoke a tragic event: on February 23, 1887, a strong earthquake destroyed many […]

Monte Ceppo

Al centro della Provincia In the middle of Imperia province Al centro della Provincia Mount Ceppo, 1627 mt, has pastures on its summit and a beautiful woodland on its slopes. The peak view spans 360 degrees above the Imperia Province. Testo a cura di Claudio Cecchi , immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

Sentiero degli Alpini

The most exciting trail of Western Liguria Sentiero degli Alpini was built between 1936 and 1938 to connect the Monte Grai barracks with the defensive line of Monte Pietravecchia-Monte Toraggio.The narrow path, largely carved in the rock through steep slopes, guaranteed the one-way passage of men and mules. Testo a cura di Claudio Cecchi, immagini […]

Monte Pietravecchia

The peak of Nervia valley Monte Pietravecchia, 2038 mt, is the highest peak of the ridge between Val Nervia and Val Roja. Its northern slope is covered by a dense forest, crossed by a military road that leads to the remains of the field battery station, dating back to approximately 1880 andplaced at its top. Testo […]

Military barracks of Testa d’Alpe

The remains of an heavily fortified border The area between Testa d’Alpe and Monte Toraggio, often simply referred to as “Gouta”, has a remarkable naturalistic value thanks to its forest of Gouta-Testa d’Alpe.Between the first and second world war, the area became one of the most fortified in all the Alps, forming the Sottosettore V / […]

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