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Church of San Giovanni Battista

Built with the proceeds of the coral harvesting The Church of San Giovanni Battista di Cervo, also known as “dei Corallini” due to the importance that the coral trade had in the financing of its construction, is a splendid example of Ligurian baroque.Built across the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Immagini a cura di Nicola Ferrarese e […]

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Scoglio del Porteghetto

The favourite reef of Dianese Gulf The beach of the inhabitants of CervoSea rock symbol of Cervo, village of sailors.Today, loved by tourists looking for true Liguria even next to the waves. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Claudio Cecchi, Luca Patelli, Corrado Agnese.

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Piazza dei Corallini

Balcony on the sea Piazza dei Corallini is the most famous and spectacular vantage point of the medieval village of Cervo. The church of San Giovanni Battista (XVII-XVIII century) overlooks it, also called “dei Corallini” as it was built with the proceeds from the profitable harvesting of the coral. Testo a cura di Corrado Agnese e […]

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Colle Castellaretto

The castellaro hypothesis On Capo Cervo, on the summit of the Colle Castellaretto at 215 m, traces of a possible prehistoric settlement have been reported in the past. Some masonry structures, together with the discovery of ceramic fragments corroborate the thesis of a “castelliere”.Moreover, in Liguria, toponyms are often related to the history of the place.The site, which […]

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Parco del Ciapà

The natural park over Cervo The municipal park of Ciapà, above the village of Cervo, boasts a Mediterranean scrub with many herbaceous species, like cistus, lavender, broom, lentisco, Phillirea, arbutus and myrtle.Walking in the park during the spring period you have the opportunity to enjoy the blooming of numerous wild orchids: the pyramidal orchid with pale […]

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