Giara di Rezzo

Ponte Anterigo

In a document, cited in the volume “La Valle di Rezzo: i Tempi del Quotidiano”, written by Gianni De Moro, edited by Dominci Editore, we read that the road that passes “over another bridge called Anterigo leads to the regions Anterigo Zotto and Mezzaluna”. This bridge is then part of a very important path that […]

Luca Patelli al Pnte

Ponte Bausson

On a high and narrow gorge The main mule track that connects Saorge, Passo Muratone and the village of Pigna crosses the Rio del Corvo with a very high stone bridge, called Ponte Bausson. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese

Ponte di Lavina

Ponte di Lavina

The Ponte di Lavina was the most important in the salt road network towards Monte Guardiabella and Via Marenca.

Giara di Rezzo Ponte del Muin

Ponte del Muin

The Ponte del Muin owes its name to the nearby Mulino del Marchese (Mill of the Marquis). It was the most used bridge by the inhabitants of Rezzo, who, in 1827, voluntarily offered to work on its restoration.

Corrado Agnese al Giara di Rezzo

Ponte di Calcinaro

The Calcinaro bridge already existed in 1687 and was restored several times.

Corrado Agnese al Giara di Rezzo

Ponte dei Passi

The Ponte dei Passi already existed in 1645, it was repeatedly repaired and redone. It’s name could be translated into “steps’bridge” or “bridge of the passes”.

Ponte de Raigà

Ponte de Raigà a Mendatica

An unprecedented work of rural architecture Near the meeting point between the Creuso and the Passo Cagnasso creeks there is a splendid and mighty stone bridge, called “de Raigà”. It’s part of the mule track that once connected Mendatica to the Sanctuary of the Madonna dei Colombi and Cosio d’Arroscia.While the bridges along the mule […]

Ponte Vecchio of Dolceacqua

A jewel of lightness The Ponte Vecchio of Dolceacqua, with its unique 33-meter arch, is one of the emblems of the village.Built in the fifteenth century on the ruins of an older bridge, it has been described as a “jewel of lightness” by the impressionist painter Claude Monet, who portrays the structure in three canvases dated 1884.The […]



The village of the Vescino family Ville San Pietro, nowadays an hamlet of the municipality of Borgomaro, “is made up of the villages of Garsi, Barca, Case Soprane, Chiapparolo, Costa, and Marpere. There are plenty of municipal pastures, and therefore the number of cattle remains fairly high, it is more than 400 sheep. ” (quote […]

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