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Nicola Ferrarese a Diano Borello

Diano Borello

Home of one of the most important polyptychs in Liguria The medieval village of Diano Borello houses in the Church of San Michele an important polyptych by the Renaissance painter Antonio Brea, dated 1516. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Corrado Agnese

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Nicola Ferrarese a Diano Castello

Diano Castello

The ancient Castrum Diani The fortified hilltop village Castrum Diani was mentioned the first time in a document from 1123. However, man’s frequentation of the area would be much older, dating back to at least a millennium before the birth of Christ.The village stands in a strategic defensive position against the Saracen raids coming from […]

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Corrado Agnese a Diano San Pietro

Diano San Pietro

One of the first settlements in the Dianese Gulf Diano San Pietro has very ancient origins: the parish church dedicated to the saint is said to have been built over the remains of the Roman temple of the goddess Diana. The baptistery, dating back to the 5th century, is part of the original Christian church: […]

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Nicola Ferrarese di ponte di Diano Roncagli

Madonetta medieval bridge in Roncagli

The ancient bridge next to the modern one The story goes that the bridge, part of the network of mule tracks and paths already in use in the Middle Ages, collapsed in 1641 and that it took 9 years to rebuild it.Later, the votive shrine with the inscription “Mater Misericordiae”, dated 1807, was added. The […]

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Corrado Agnese alla Fonte del Melo

Fontana del Melo a Diano Castello

The medieval wellspring of the Castrum Diani The Fontana del Melo is a medieval fount in Diano Castello, placed along the ancient mule track towards Diano San Pietro.The Castrum Diani was built on a promontory that was easy to defend but almost devoid of water sources. In order to guarantee a sufficient supply of water […]

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The mystery of the stones piled on Monte Lago

A site still to be studied Next to the main dirty road that leads to Pizzo d’Evigno, on the slopes of Monte Lago, there is a strip of stones, about 100 meters long and 3 to 7 meters wide. A series of funnel-shaped valleys and carved stones arranged to form small walls, confirm the anthropic origin.The “structure” […]

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Torre dell’Alpicella

Signaling system to contrast the barbary raids Cited in a document dating 1557, the Torre dell’Alpicella was part of the sighting and signaling system to contrast the barbary raids on the coast and in the immediate hinterland. The “falodium”, the towers from which the signals were sent, had to be in visual contact to effectively spread the […]

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“Caselle” of Pizzo d’Evigno

Ancient rural shelters The “caselle” are characterized by a simple hut structure built entirely of stone. They were used as a point of support for shepherds and peasants.The areas around Pizzo d’Evigno, Guardiabella and the ridge between the Impero and Armea valleys, are rich in these buildings, built thanks to the availability of stones. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, […]

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