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Nicola Ferrarese a Diano Castello

Diano Castello

The ancient Castrum Diani The fortified hilltop village Castrum Diani was mentioned the first time in a document from 1123. However, man’s frequentation of the area would be much older, dating back to at least a millennium before the birth of Christ.The village stands in a strategic defensive position against the Saracen raids coming from […]

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Fief of the Lascaris Counts of Ventimiglia Conio is a small village located on the slopes of Monte Grande and home of the famous white bean.Feud of the Lascaris of Ventimiglia in medieval times, from the castle square you can enjoy a wonderful view of the Impero valley. Fonte: Orietta Brunengo Testo a cura di […]

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In a valley that saw the beginnings of the Ligurian civilization Tavole is an hamlet of Prelà, whose valley was colonized by tribes of the Ligurian Montani and Epanteri, followed in 205 BC. by the Ligurian Ingauni, coming from Albingaunum (Albenga) and by the Roman colonization. Built along an important communication route, which connects Val […]

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Corrado Agnese a Oneglia


The main outlet to the sea for ​​Piedmont The most reliable hypothesis on the origin of Oneglia sees an early pre-Augustan settlement on the Castelvecchio hill, which then developed into the “pagus Unelia”, accompanied on the coast by Ripa Uneliae.In 1298 Oneglia became part of the possessions of the Doria family who, in 1488, founded […]

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A medieval village that preserves important works of art Although the territory retains traces of prehistoric settlements, the current town of Pigna originated around a castle built by the counts of Ventimiglia between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, in a strategic position to dominate the road axis between the coast of Ventimiglia and the village […]

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Sentiero da Passo Muratone a Pigna

From Passo Muratone to Pigna

Abandoned settlements and ancient human traces The mule track that descends from Muratone Mountain Pass to the village of Pigna is part of the ancient road between Saorge (Saorgio) in Roja and Nervia valleys. Along its way there are numerous small pastoral agricultural settlements now abandoned. A peculiar feature is the presence of border stones […]

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The village of a cappella Ceriana, of probable Roman origins, is a fortified village with narrow alleys, walls and access doors.The history and culture of the town are characterized by the presence of four confraternities: the Neri (black) of the Oratory of Madonna Addolorata (Our Lady of Sorrows), the Verdi (green) of Santa Marta, the […]

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