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Casella on the top of Guardiabella

A small shelter with a great view A small “casella”, a safe shelter in case of rain or during the night in the haymaking season.The “caselle” are dry stone buildings typical of the Western Liguria. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Corrado Agnese e Nicola Ferrarese.

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“Casella” next to Pizzo Montin

Very well preserved A very well preserved “casella”, at least when we visited it in 2016. At the very top a single flat stone, called “ciappa”, closes a hole that can be used as chimney when needed. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

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Houses of Poilarocca

A very different lifestyle The rural house of Poilarocca was divided into a first floor where to live, and ground floor used as a stable. One of the advantages of this arrangement was that the floor, made of wooden planks, left the heat pass trough, coming from the beasts and their fermenting manure.As the country […]

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“Casella” of Pizzo Montin

A small and fragile monument The “casella” next to the peak of Pizzo Montin has an unique feature: a tree that stands out from the collapsed roof. As an archaic vase for ornamental plants, the heroic ruin overlooks the Valle del Merula. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese , immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

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“Caselle” of Pizzo d’Evigno

Ancient rural shelters The “caselle” are characterized by a simple hut structure built entirely of stone. They were used as a point of support for shepherds and peasants.The areas around Pizzo d’Evigno, Guardiabella and the ridge between the Impero and Armea valleys, are rich in these buildings, built thanks to the availability of stones. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, […]

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Squared “casella” in Colle d’Oggia

Next to the pass between the Argentina and the Impero valleys The most common form for the “caselle”, huts made just with stones, is the truncated cone on one or two floors. Sometimes, while maintaining the pseudovolt in the arrangement of the stone segments, the exterior shape can differ.This one, next to the Colle d’Oggia […]

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