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Il Redentore

The symbol of the high mountains for the inhabitants of Western Liguria Located on the Saccarello, which with its 2201 meters above sea level is the highest mountain in Liguria, the statue of the Redentore (Redeemer) dominates the valleys of the province of Imperia, next to the province of Cuneo and France.The Redentore embraces with […]

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Corrado Agnese al monte Frontè

Monte Frontè

The second peak of Liguria With its 2153 meters, Monte Frontè it is the second peak in Liguria after Monte Saccarello. It represents the watershed between the Tanaro valley, the Argentina valley and the Arroscia valley and overlooks the “Ciottu de e Giaie”, or the “Conca dei torrenti”, where spring waters are born.Once called Frontero, […]

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Trunette del Carpasina

Trunette del Carpasina

Carved by water Under the inhabited area of ​​Carpasio the waters of Carpasina create unique and scenographic environments. In fact, on its descent to the valley, the stream digs deep and characteristic gorges, called “trunette”, and originates waterfalls and spectacular pools of water. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, Melania D’Alessandro, immagini di Claudio Cecchi

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Corrado Agnese alla Ruve du Megu

Ruve du Megu

The monumental oak of Dr. Gandolfo The Ruve du Megu is a monumental oak, believed to be the largest in Europe, located near the ancient road connecting Conio and Borgomaro.The name comes from the owner, Dr. Gandolfo, who was a doctor. It is said that the tree risked being cut to make a “fuetto” (whip) […]

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Luca Patelli osserva la Faglia di Pigna

The Pigna riff

A moving rift that cuts through the valleys The first stretch of a thousand-year-old mule track that descends from the Muratone Pass into Nervia valley, runs along the Saorge – Pigna – Terzorio tectonic fault: by carefully observing the panorama, the rift that runs trough several valleys is evident, crossing much of the Province of […]

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Sentiero da Passo Muratone a Pigna

From Passo Muratone to Pigna

Abandoned settlements and ancient human traces The mule track that descends from Muratone Mountain Pass to the village of Pigna is part of the ancient road between Saorge (Saorgio) in Roja and Nervia valleys. Along its way there are numerous small pastoral agricultural settlements now abandoned. A peculiar feature is the presence of border stones […]

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