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Claudi Cecchi alla

Chapel of San Bernardo, Lavinella

Along the ancient path to Marenca road In late spring, following the dirt road that leads from Lavina to Monte Guardiabella, after a few km, splendid rosebuds emerge from the brambles. A careful eye would also see domestic fruit trees and the remains of numerous houses, hidden by vegetation. Here stood the original town of […]

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Luca Patelli davanti al Duomo di Porto Maurizio

Cathedral of Porto Maurizio

On the top of the largest church in Liguria The basilica of Santi Maurizio and Compagni Martiri is the largest church in Liguria. It was founded in 1781, planned by Gaetano Cantoni and completed in 1838. The top of the main dome, almost 50 meters high, offers a spectacular panorama of Oneglia and Porto Maurizio […]

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Church of San Salvatore

Beautiful and still hidden frescoes The church of San Salvatore is a magnificent example of a rural oratory. It has been built in the fifteenth century near the San Salvatore pass (713 m), along the path that leads to Monte Follia in the territory of Castellaro.Inside, beautiful frescoes emerge from the partially detached plaster. Testo a […]

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