Corrado Agnese sul Monte Saccarello

Monte Saccarello

The summit of Liguria Monte Saccarello, 2200 m, is the highest peak in Liguria. In 1896 the Austro-Piedmontese army built on its top a fortified complex, armed with cannons oriented towards the French territory. Fonti: Difese militari ed eventi bellici (1940-1945) in provincia di Imperia (Davide Bagnaschino) Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di […]

The altar of the Sotto di San Lorenzo

A place of ancient rites The large tabular boulder, interpreted as an altar with natural cups modified by man, rests near the main path, on the eastern side of the Sotto di San Lorenzo. Testo a cura di Alessandro Giacobbe, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

The menhir of Sotto di San Lorenzo

A symbol of an ancient civilization On the ridge between the Argentina and the Rezzo valleys, on the border of Sotto di San Lorenzo, there is a large stone stuck in the ground. Widely interpreted as a menhir, this symbol could be an ancient border marker. Testo e immagini a cura di Nicola Ferrarese.

Church of San Giovanni Battista

Built with the proceeds of the coral harvesting The Church of San Giovanni Battista di Cervo, also known as “dei Corallini” due to the importance that the coral trade had in the financing of its construction, is a splendid example of Ligurian baroque.Built across the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Immagini a cura di Nicola Ferrarese e […]

Among the “caselle” on the Guardiabella pastures

Monuments of rural life The “caselle” are very common in the meadows of the Guardiabella and Pizzo d’Evigno.These stone huts provided shelter to those who dedicated themselves to work in the fields. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

Casella on the top of Guardiabella

A small shelter with a great view A small “casella”, a safe shelter in case of rain or during the night in the haymaking season.The “caselle” are dry stone buildings typical of the Western Liguria. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Corrado Agnese e Nicola Ferrarese.

Casella on the pastures of Guardiabella

A shelter for haymakers A beautiful “casella” on the lawns where haymaking took place.With the particularity of an internal circular step that serves as a seat. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

“Casella” next to Pizzo Montin

Very well preserved A very well preserved “casella”, at least when we visited it in 2016. At the very top a single flat stone, called “ciappa”, closes a hole that can be used as chimney when needed. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

Cableway of Poilarocca

Nel fitto bosco sopra Mendatica Here started the local fast shipping Nel fitto bosco sopra Mendatica Not far from the seasonal village of Poilarocca is the departure of the ancient cableway that allowed the rapid transport downstream of loads to the nearest villages: Mendatica and Montegrosso Pian Latte.To find out more about the operation of the cableways, visit […]

Poilarocca during summer

Lush trees and a sea of nettles In the shade of a maple and a cherry tree, in a sea of nettles.The spherical image was taken on a collapse that obstructed the entrance to the first floor, or what remains, of the house below.Reaching the point was not easy, especially for the short shorts worn […]

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