Mulino Torre Pisana

“Torre Pisana” mill

The tower with sea view On the ridge between the Valle Merula and the Gulf of Laigueglia, not far from Colla Micheri, there are the remains of a windmill from the 17th century, locally known as “Torre Pisana”.  The tomb of Thor Heyerdahl lays a few steps away: the Norwegian anthropologist, explorer, director and writer, […]

Ponte medievale di Andora

Medieval bridge of Andora

Also known as “Ponte Romano” The ancient bridge of Andora, known as “Roman Bridge”, has, in its current appearance, medieval origins.  Made of ten arches, it connected the path that leads from the Castello dei Clavesana and Colla Micheri to the Chiappa Pass. Some features, such as the shape of the base of the pillars, […]


Mule track towards San Matteo

Road axis in history The mule track that connects Pairola with the church of San Matteo and the Valle Steria was part of an important road axis, crossing the Dianese Gulf. This path could derive  from the Via Julia Augusta, founded in 13 BC, as suggested by a milestone still preserved in Chiappa. Fonti: L’Ulivo […]

Casella verso passo di Chiappa

Dry stone architecture near Passo Chiappa

An unique monumental area In this area, called “Fonte” (source), there are several “caselle” above ground and inside the terraces. The “caselle” are buildings made with dry stones, whose construction technique has prehistoric origins and is widespread throughout the Mediterranean. To complete an almost museum-like space there are sections of mule track enclosed between picturesque […]

Monte Follia from the sky

The strange form of its top can be easily seen Immagini a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, Luca Patelli, Claudio Cecchi.

3D model of Monte Follia

Home to a prehistoric “castelliere” Monte Follia by wepesto on Sketchfab Ricerche a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, Luca Patelli, Claudio Cecchi.

Liguria Wow Project

Born by two noprofit associations Everything begins in June 2016, when the Wepesto Cultural Association asks itself “why not joining the Google Trekker Loaner program and share spherical photos of fantastic places through Google Maps and Street View?”Google unexpectedly answers by asking for a draft of the project.To sail along the western slopes, an expert […]


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