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Nicola Ferrarese a Diano Borello

Diano Borello

Home of one of the most important polyptychs in Liguria The medieval village of Diano Borello houses in the Church of San Michele an important polyptych by the Renaissance painter Antonio Brea, dated 1516. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Corrado Agnese

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Nicola Ferrarese di ponte di Diano Roncagli

Madonetta medieval bridge in Roncagli

The ancient bridge next to the modern one The story goes that the bridge, part of the network of mule tracks and paths already in use in the Middle Ages, collapsed in 1641 and that it took 9 years to rebuild it.Later, the votive shrine with the inscription “Mater Misericordiae”, dated 1807, was added. The […]

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“Caselle” of Pizzo d’Evigno

Ancient rural shelters The “caselle” are characterized by a simple hut structure built entirely of stone. They were used as a point of support for shepherds and peasants.The areas around Pizzo d’Evigno, Guardiabella and the ridge between the Impero and Armea valleys, are rich in these buildings, built thanks to the availability of stones. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, […]

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Pizzo d’Evigno

Alpine landscapes overlooking the sea Pizzo d’Evigno, 998 m, is the highest peak in the Dianese Gulf.Point of convergence of the ridge roads that go back from Capo Berta, Colla di San Pietro and Cervo, the mountain is also called Scortegabecco or Monte Torre: it’s said that its top hosted a sighting tower.The surrounding area is […]

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“Neviera” of Pizzo d’Evigno

Preserving ice all year round The “neviere” were huge wells with thick walls, capable of cramming and storing large quantities of snow, during the period known as “the Little Ice Age”, from the mid-14th to the mid-19th century.This neviera, one of the three found around the peak of Pizzo d’Evigno, has unfortunately completely collapsed and filled […]

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