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Nostra Signora della Rovere

Nostra Signora della Rovere

The sanctuary and Roman remains The sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Rovere, in San Bartolomeo al Mare, is one of the oldest in Liguria. Although the first document referring to the building dates back to 1353, the discovery of an earthenware pavement in its subsoil and a Roman “mansio” a few meters away, both dating […]

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Mule track towards San Matteo

Road axis in history The mule track that connects Pairola with the church of San Matteo and the Valle Steria was part of an important road axis, crossing the Dianese Gulf. This path could derive  from the Via Julia Augusta, founded in 13 BC, as suggested by a milestone still preserved in Chiappa. Fonti: L’Ulivo […]

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Casella verso passo di Chiappa

Dry stone architecture near Passo Chiappa

An unique monumental area In this area, called “Fonte” (source), there are several “caselle” above ground and inside the terraces. The “caselle” are buildings made with dry stones, whose construction technique has prehistoric origins and is widespread throughout the Mediterranean. To complete an almost museum-like space there are sections of mule track enclosed between picturesque […]

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Ina Sorba double-decker “casella”

5 meters high of dry stones Ina Sorba is an area in the countryside above Riva Faraldi with some of the largest “caselle” in the Western Liguria.This construction, made entirely of dry stones, is structured on two floors, with an internal height of almost 5 meters.For its grandeur it can defined a “casellùn”: a sort of substitute […]

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Church of San Giovanni Battista

Built with the proceeds of the coral harvesting The Church of San Giovanni Battista di Cervo, also known as “dei Corallini” due to the importance that the coral trade had in the financing of its construction, is a splendid example of Ligurian baroque.Built across the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Immagini a cura di Nicola Ferrarese e […]

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Scoglio del Porteghetto

The favourite reef of Dianese Gulf The beach of the inhabitants of CervoSea rock symbol of Cervo, village of sailors.Today, loved by tourists looking for true Liguria even next to the waves. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Claudio Cecchi, Luca Patelli, Corrado Agnese.

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