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Monte Sette Fontane

Monte Sette Fontane

Roman settlement on a ridge rich in history Monte Sette Fontane is located along one of the most important mountain ridges in the history of western Liguria, connecting the coast with the northern territories.Excavations conducted by the Superintendency since 2002 have confirmed assiduous human attendance from the first and middle Imperial Age, favored, as the name suggests, by […]

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Church of San Salvatore

Beautiful and still hidden frescoes The church of San Salvatore is a magnificent example of a rural oratory. It has been built in the fifteenth century near the San Salvatore pass (713 m), along the path that leads to Monte Follia in the territory of Castellaro.Inside, beautiful frescoes emerge from the partially detached plaster. Testo a […]

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Monte Follia

An archeological site of the Iron Age Surrounded by “caselle”, ancient stone huts typical of the Western Liguria, Monte Follia has a distinctly unique look: its top is made up of a dome surrounded by a flat ring. Those are the remains of a castellarium, or “castellaro”, a prehistoric high-rise settlement made up of walls, stone […]

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