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Pilone dei Boioli

Wayside shrine of the Boioli

Made to comfort the traveler Near this shrine, whose plaster is decorated with graffiti representing birds, the ancient mule track that connected Borgomaro to Aurigo met the paths that once led up to the church of San Paolo and Monte Guardiabella.The shrines and votive niches stood along the communication routes to comfort the wayfarer or […]

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Corrado Agnese al Ponte di Conio

Conio bridge

An artwork suspended on the water The Ponte di Conio is the most important one-span medieval bridge in the Impero Valley.  It is part of the road network that follows the bottom of the valley, which became fundamental in trades with Piedmont during the second half of the sixteenth century when the Savoy made Borgomaro […]

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Ponte dalla Lonega

Lonega bridge in Conio

A sad legend The bridge called “Della Lonega” is part of an ancient road between the coast, the villages of the Upper Impero Valley and the Via Marenca. It is built entirely in dry stone. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese

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Luca Patelli al Santuario della

Church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Lucinasco

Late medieval sanctuary hidden in the woods. The Sanctuary of Santa Maria Maddalena was founded in 1463 in a lonely place in the woods, on a main mule track that goes from Lucinasco to Monte Acquarone. The interior, frescoed, is composed of three naves and has no bell tower.Following the small trail beyond the building […]

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Monte Acquarone

Monte Acquarone

An enigmatic peak still to be studied Monte Acquarone has been for centuries, perhaps millennia, a strategic point for control over the territory, rising between the Impero and Prino valleys. Crossed by the thousand-year-old Via Marenca, its summit is said to have hosted a pre-Roman castelliere and, later, a castle. The flat top, the presence […]

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Casone degli innamorati

Casone of lovers

Romantic rural architecture Along the Via Marenca that follows the right ridge of the Impero Valley there are numerous examples of rural architecture, mainly “caselle”: small huts made with dry stones.During our trip with the Google Street View Trekker, not far from the summit of Monte Scuassi, we met a small “casone”, a type of […]

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Via Marenca

Via Marenca

The thousand-year-old highway The Via Marenca is a route that connected Piedmont, France and the northern regions with the coast, allowing people to move and trade, primarily salt. A stretch of great strategic importance connected the villages of the Impero, Maro and Prelà valleys, reaching Oneglia, the landing point of merchant ships even before th […]

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Fontana Vecchia di Borgomaro

L’antica fonte sotterranea di Borgomaro The Fontana Vecchia of Borgomaro was much appreciated in summer for its fresh water. Right before lunch and dinner, a queue of people and buckets formed at its entrance. It was an opportunity of meeting for the inhabitants. Used until the middle of the 20th century, Fontana Vecchia is today partially […]

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Oratory of Sant’Anna

Founded by the Biagio family The Saint is the patroness of mothers, widows and pregnant women, she is invoked in difficult childbirths and against conjugal infertility.The building devoted to Sant’Anna is rectangular, with a deep presbytery and a rounded hall in the center. Clearly of Baroque inspiration, it has a rich stucco decoration, while the four […]

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Oratory of San Giacomo

Home of the Confraternita dei Disciplinati The position of the Oratory of San Giacomo, on the main road that led to Lucinasco, confirms the reason for the entitlement: San Giacomo is the patron saint of pilgrims. The organization of pilgrimages was among the main tasks of the confraternity that had its seat there.For reasons still unknown, […]

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