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Neviera Guardiabella

Neviera del Guardiabella

An unusual, huge snow pit Monte Guardiabella, the last mid-mountain meadow area where haymaking is still practiced, houses a uniquely shaped lneviera”: instead of being completely excavated in the ground, this is largely above ground, insulated by a series of concentric terraces of gradually increasing thickness approaching the base.This snow pit, whose construction has been […]

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Neviera Villatalla

Neviera di Villatalla

A snow pit doomed to disappear The “neviera” in the forest above Villatalla is the last one of the Ponente Ligure to still present a stone roof, although badly compromised. In this large well, snow crammed during the Winters of the Little Ice Age could be preserved till the warmer months. Neviera di Villatalla by […]

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“Neviera” of Pizzo d’Evigno

Preserving ice all year round The “neviere” were huge wells with thick walls, capable of cramming and storing large quantities of snow, during the period known as “the Little Ice Age”, from the mid-14th to the mid-19th century.This neviera, one of the three found around the peak of Pizzo d’Evigno, has unfortunately completely collapsed and filled […]

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