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Monte Follia

An archeological site of the Iron Age Surrounded by “caselle”, ancient stone huts typical of the Western Liguria, Monte Follia has a distinctly unique look: its top is made up of a dome surrounded by a flat ring. Those are the remains of a castellarium, or “castellaro”, a prehistoric high-rise settlement made up of walls, stone […]

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Monte Faudo

Right above the coast The Monte Faudo, 1149 m, is located a few kilometers from the town of Civezza and Dolcedo and is easily visible and recognizable from the coast, thanks to its remarkable height.From the summit you can enjoy a beautiful view towards San Lorenzo al Mare and Imperia. It is not rare to meet […]

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Casella near Passo di Conio

With a stone fence in front of the entrance The “caselle” are rural buildings characterized by a simple structure made of stones. Such huts were used by the shepherds and farmers as shelter and stable.Each maker had different needs and techniques: the “casella” next to the Passo di Conio shows a rare small fence in front of […]

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Squared “casella” in Colle d’Oggia

Next to the pass between the Argentina and the Impero valleys The most common form for the “caselle”, huts made just with stones, is the truncated cone on one or two floors. Sometimes, while maintaining the pseudovolt in the arrangement of the stone segments, the exterior shape can differ.This one, next to the Colle d’Oggia […]

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Monte Grande

At the top of Valle Impero Monte Grande, 1418 m, is located between the valleys of Impero, Carpasina and Giara. The 5th September 1944, Partisans bravely defeated the German and Fascist posts placed on this mountain. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

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Passo della Mezzaluna

Beautiful pastures next to the woods Passo della Mezzaluna is located on the watershed between Valle Argentina and Valle Arroscia and is crossed by the ancient Via Marenca, connecting Passo Teglia to Colle del Garezzo.Its grasslands, rich in spontaneous flora, have always offered a great pasture.On its light slopes many ancient human signs can be found. […]

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Surrounded by Brigasca sheep

In the flock of “Giuanin” Lanteri The Occitan pastoral culture has over time selected the Brigasca sheep. The small and robust size of this breed is perfect for the rough terrain of the Ligurian Alps and its coastal terraces where it winters. Its production of milk is limited but with great quality, mostly used for the production […]

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Sotto di San Lorenzo

Where civilizations met The Sotto di San Lorenzo is a doline, a closed depression formed due to the karst origin of the soil. It’s on the edge of the Bosco di Rezzo, along the Via Marenca. Since the dawn of time, it hosts a menhir, placed probably to delimit a boundary, and a carved boulder, suitable for […]

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Bosco di Rezzo

Largest beechwood in Liguria Bosco di Rezzo is located in the Ligurian Alps. The largest beechwood of Liguria is crossed by the ancient Via Marenca and has traces of millenary human presence. Text by Antonella Piccone, images by Corrado Agnese and Nicola Ferrarese.

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Gruppin bridge

A small architectural wonder Along trail connecting Mendatica with the Arrroscia waterfalls and Poilarocca you will pass over an incredible bridge, called Gruppin, or Gropin. Made up of an extremely thin arch, it has stood for centuries above the homonymous river. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, Fabrizio Sibilla, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese.

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