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Teleferica sopra Pantasina

Cableways above Pantasina

 Haymaking witnesses All the available land was exploited by shepherds and farmers based on altitude, slope, type of terrain, distance from the village and communication routes.The highest areas, more flat and subject to greater thermal gradients during the year, were dedicated to haymaking. To quickly transport the hay bales, called “beriui”, cableways were installed, some […]

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Casone degli innamorati

Casone of lovers

Romantic rural architecture Along the Via Marenca that follows the right ridge of the Impero Valley there are numerous examples of rural architecture, mainly “caselle”: small huts made with dry stones.During our trip with the Google Street View Trekker, not far from the summit of Monte Scuassi, we met a small “casone”, a type of […]

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Via Marenca

Via Marenca

The thousand-year-old highway The Via Marenca is a route that connected Piedmont, France and the northern regions with the coast, allowing people to move and trade, primarily salt. A stretch of great strategic importance connected the villages of the Impero, Maro and Prelà valleys, reaching Oneglia, the landing point of merchant ships even before th […]

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Stele di Tavole

Stele of Tavole

Witness of an archaic culture The stele located a few meters away from the mule track, near the junction between the  villages of Novelli and Revelli. This 3 m long stone resting on the ground has been identified by Dr. Gabriella Stabile Re as an anthropomorphic aniconic stele: it has human features but without incisions […]

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Marco Rimoldi a Valloria


The village with painted doors Valloria is a medieval village of the “Vallis Aurea”, a name that derives from the color of olive oil, cultivated here for centuries. In the tiny alleys, called “carruggi”, peasant history marries art: around the nineties the Amici di Valloria association conceived an annual event in which several artists are […]

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Monte Faudo

Right above the coast The Monte Faudo, 1149 m, is located a few kilometers from the town of Civezza and Dolcedo and is easily visible and recognizable from the coast, thanks to its remarkable height.From the summit you can enjoy a beautiful view towards San Lorenzo al Mare and Imperia. It is not rare to meet […]

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