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Claudio Cecchi a Carpasio


Partisan Resistance Museum Carpasio’s story can be read on slate and marble plaques linked to war memories, as well as on the doors still colored blue, a secret sign of friendship and solidarity with the Partisans. Once, the Carpasio countryside was colored by lavender, which constituted a wealth for the country, so much so that […]

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Piloni dell'Alpe di Baudo

The stone piles of Alpe di Baudo

The mysterious rock shapes We are in Liguria on Alpe di Baudo mountain, above the ancient village of Carpasio. Here, dozens of stone piles emerge from the earth, arranged with great care. There are several fascinating theories about their origin. However, digging into the memories of the inhabitants of the Carpasina Valley reveals the mystery. […]

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Via Marenca

Via Marenca

The thousand-year-old highway The Via Marenca is a route that connected Piedmont, France and the northern regions with the coast, allowing people to move and trade, primarily salt. A stretch of great strategic importance connected the villages of the Impero, Maro and Prelà valleys, reaching Oneglia, the landing point of merchant ships even before th […]

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Casella near Passo di Conio

With a stone fence in front of the entrance The “caselle” are rural buildings characterized by a simple structure made of stones. Such huts were used by the shepherds and farmers as shelter and stable.Each maker had different needs and techniques: the “casella” next to the Passo di Conio shows a rare small fence in front of […]

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