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Giara di Rezzo

Ponte Anterigo

In a document, cited in the volume “La Valle di Rezzo: i Tempi del Quotidiano”, written by Gianni De Moro, edited by Dominci Editore, we read that the road that passes “over another bridge called Anterigo leads to the regions Anterigo Zotto and Mezzaluna”. This bridge is then part of a very important path that […]

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Luca Patelli al Pnte

Ponte Bausson

On a high and narrow gorge The main mule track that connects Saorge, Passo Muratone and the village of Pigna crosses the Rio del Corvo with a very high stone bridge, called Ponte Bausson. Testo a cura di Nicola Ferrarese, immagini di Nicola Ferrarese

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Nicola Ferrarese al ponte di Santa Filomena

Santa Filomena bridge

One of the oldest bridges in Western Liguria The Santa Filomena bridge connects the church of the same name with the Molino del Longo, a water mill probably built in the sixteenth century.The construction of the bridge was lost over time: it could be older than the 13th century town of Pieve di Teco and […]

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Corrado Agnese al Giara di Rezzo

Giara di Rezzo

The Giara Valley and its spectacular bridges The Giara di Rezzo is a tributary of the Arroscia stream. It’s valley is home to three medieval villages of great historical importance: Rezzo, Lavina and Cenova.The first, which has today the role of Municipality, was a strategic military point, as witnessed by the Clavesana’s castle.Lavina, and even […]

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Luca Patelli sul ponte di San Lazzaro Reale

San Lazzaro Reale bridge

One of the most beautiful bridges in the Western Liguria The San Lazzaro Reale bridge has two spans in Romanesque style, and dates back to the end of the 15th century.It was part of an important road junction between Via Marenca, Lucinasco, the main path along the Torrente Impero and Caravonica. Testo a cura di […]

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Nicola Ferrarese di ponte di Diano Roncagli

Madonetta medieval bridge in Roncagli

The ancient bridge next to the modern one The story goes that the bridge, part of the network of mule tracks and paths already in use in the Middle Ages, collapsed in 1641 and that it took 9 years to rebuild it.Later, the votive shrine with the inscription “Mater Misericordiae”, dated 1807, was added. The […]

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